It is February and that means…Girl Scout cookies! With this wonderful season upon us, I felt like it could be helpful if I provided my guide for the proper way to eat Girl Scout cookies. So without further ado, grab some cookies, and follow these easy steps for maximum enjoyment.

  1. Thin Mints: There are so many ways to enjoy Thin Mints; it’s hard to go wrong. But, I enjoy Thin Mints by sucking on them. I know it sounds weird, but hear me out. Take a small bite, then hold the edge of the cookie in your mouth and slowly consume it bit by bit by sucking in small sections of the cookie until a minute later the cookie has disappeared. This way you make it last longer.
  2. Adventurefuls: These cookies are fairly new to the Girl Scout cookie lineup, but they do not disappoint. These cookies have a hard brownie base, with a caramel filled indentation topped with chocolate drizzle. I have tried different ways of consumption, but the best way is to simply eat it like a traditional cookie. It’s boring, but it gives you the best flavor combination and the highest level of satisfaction.
  3. Samoas: There is only one way to eat a Samoa: frozen. Once the Samoa is frozen, you can proceed to eat it like any other cookie.
  4. Tagalongs: My process for eating a Tagalong is complicated, but well worth it. First, you must eat all the chocolate from around the edge of the cookie. Then, you scrape out the peanut butter inside with your teeth. Then you scrape off the rest of the chocolate covering that remains on the cookie including the bottom. Last, you eat the cookie. Yes, it’s complicated, but oh so satisfying.
  5. Do-si-dos: Do-si-dos must be eaten in pairs. First, you pull apart the two halves of the cookie and eat the peanut butter middle – similar to how you eat an Oreo. Then you eat one half of the cookie and then the other half. Then for the second cookie, you eat it the way you would any other cookie. You repeat this pattern, but usually two will do it for me.
  6. Trefoils: Don’t even bother eating a Trefoil, but if you must, at least have one with some tea.
  7. Girl Scout S’Mores: This cookie is also fairly new to the Girl Scout cookie lineup, and it’s more expensive than the other cookies, but they are worth it. Because it is a cookie that has two halves and a marshmallow and chocolate center, you’d be tempted to eat it like an Oreo and scrape out the middle. DON’T! Eating the cookie this way ruins it. Instead, you must eat it like any other cookie. That way you get all the flavors together just like a S’More.

And there you have it. The perfect guide for consuming Girl Scout cookies. I know there are two more cookies in the lineup, Toffee-tastic and Lemon-Ups, but as I have not tried these yet, I do not have a method for eating them. If anyone would like to donate some cookies so that I can continue offering my words of wisdom, I will gladly accept your donation.