I love hot beverages. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider…I love it all. My husband also enjoys all of these beverages so between the two of us we have a number of mugs.
Every morning I wake up early, get dressed, and prepare for the day. The last step in this preparation is to grab a coffee mug to bring with me to work. Because I have so many choices, I try to choose the mug that best matches my outfit. Why? Not just to look as color-coordinated as possible, but because it actually makes choosing a mug easier. Instead of making several choices (travel or regular, tall or short, microwavable or non-microwavable, etc.), I just make one choice, “Which mug best compliments my outfit?”
Because I have been doing this for so long, I don’t even have to analyze my choices anymore. I know which mugs go with which outfit. After making so many choices each morning: what to wear, what shoes, what jewelry, what hairstyle, what to eat, if I can make one choice without even thinking about it, then that is what I’m going to do. So yes, I am all about fashion and I match my mugs to my outfits, but this time the one does not cause the other. This time it is all about efficiency.
P.S. If anyone reads this blog, and wants to do something nice for me, I still do not own a yellow mug. Just sayin’.